Serving the greater Auckland area
Your go to asbestos collection and disposal company in the Auckland region. Whether you’re a DIY homeowner removing asbestos or a tradie/civil works company who has found asbestos onsite, ACDC can collect these contaminated materials within 24 hours of your call. Servicing wider Auckland, we also offer licensed asbestos removal, asbestos testing, surveys and reports - providing all you need to be able to remove asbestos safely within your home or worksite.
You’ve uncovered asbestos contaminated materials.
We collect and dispose of the asbestos within 24 hours.
Disposal certificates provided where required.
Owned and operated by Auckland locals Rocky Haddon and Todd Macfarlane, ACDC provides safe, simple, and efficient disposal of asbestos to homeowners, builders, civil contractors, and companies removing asbestos contaminated materials. A branch of Clear Site Demolition, the team at ACDC have exceptional knowledge in demolition, asbestos removal, WorkSafe legislation and The Health and Safety at Work Act.